C4DTI Digital Trade Conference & Awards
Working together to make trade cheaper, faster, simpler, sustainable and more secure
17 – 18 April 2024
Day 1 – Virtual | Day 2 – In-person
Conference & Awards Tickets
Please purchase your tickets for the conference and awards separately
Award ceremony
What is C4DTI DTC?
The Digital Trade Conference (DTC) is the annual, international, flagship event for ICC Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation (C4DTI). Taking place on 17–18 April 2024, it will discuss practical implementation, results from recent pilot initiatives and ongoing roll-outs:
• How we can implement interoperable systems across border with government and industry, drawing on international best practice
• Implementing international legal, rules and standards frameworks consistently across global supply chains
• Best practice solutions, lessons learnt from pilot initiatives and access to the international experts and thought leaders leading projects and programmes
• Practical solutions to managing key risks across global supply chains – data security, cybersecurity, and fraud
• Insights and thought leadership
Come join us at our annual C4DTI Digital Trade Conference where we will be focusing on the practical benefits of digitalising the trade ecosystem and discussing the “HOW” & with “WHAT RESULT”.
Registrations are now open! Click on the “Buy Tickets” button at the top of this page.
If you are interested in participating as a speaker or hearing more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at events@iccwbo.uk
2024 Logistics
Day 1 – Virtual – Wednesday 17 April
Conference – 10am – 3pm UK time
NOTE: Day 1 consists of two webinars. These take place via zoom webinars at 10am – 11am and 2pm – 3pm UK time. Please register for the day to receive links to each webinar. These will be released nearer the event date.
Day 2 – In-person, London – Thursday 18 April
Conference – 8.30am – 5.30pm UK time
Deloitte, 2 New Street Square (1st Floor), London, EC4A 3BZ
C4DTI Awards – 6pm – 10pm UK time
The Great Hall, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3TL
Learning Outcomes
Delegates will come away with a clear understanding of:
- what initiatives are underway and what lessons can be learnt
- what practical solutions can be applied
- what the return on investment will be
- what still needs to be prioritised to digitalise trade systems and processes
- where further investment needs to be targeted
- where the barriers, bottlenecks and opportunities are
- best practice insights from global experts leading projects and programmes
Why attend an ICC United Kingdom event?
By attending our conference, you know that the content, speakers, and delegates are there to create outcomes that drive meaningful change at the highest level.
Our goal is to digitalise 60–80% of world trade by 2026 to make trade cheaper, faster, and simpler — all legal barriers removed and rules and standards frameworks in place so data and information can flow unimpeded.
ICC United Kingdom have been at the heart of driving the digitalisation of trade since 2017. We played a significant role in the establishment of the Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023 which removed all legal requirements to handle documents of title on paper, enabling companies to transact digitally under public law for the first time.
We remain at the forefront of trade digitalisation implementation with both business and government. Our recent initiatives include the Corporate Digitalisation Taskforce convening leading global corporates to help them realise the benefits of digital trade, our whitepaper on digital identities and a Trade Digitalisation Implementation Roadmap that will reinforce the need for interoperable reliable systems.
Don’t just sit back and listen, be part of the conversation that will shape the future of trade.
Who is this event for?
This event is for industry and government practitioners involved in delivering a cheaper, faster and simpler trading system.
It is primarily a technical event, aimed at decision makers across the spectrum of buyers, sellers, corporate finance, compliance, procurement, supply chain management, freight forwarding, port systems, warehousing, logistics, insurance, legal, customs, IT software and technology solution providers.
For any queries regarding registration and/or payments, please contact events@iccwbo.uk
2024 Speakers
Pamela Mar, Managing Director, ICC Digital Standards Initiative
Max Hacon, Programme Director, HM Revenue & Customs
Baroness Neville-Rolfe, Minister of State
Luca Galbiati, Director, Abercore
Bruna Romano, Director Global Customs & Trade Compliance, PUMA
Nick Reeks, Director IT, Tata Steel
Niels Nuyens, Head of Digital Trade, Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)
Lars Karlsson, Global Head of Trade & Customs Consulting, A.P. Møller-Mærsk A/S
Dietmar Jost, Advisor, Customs and Security, Global Express Association
Dominic Broom, SVP Working Capital Technology, Arqit
Naresh Aggarwal, Associate Director Policy & Technical, Association of Corporate Treasurers
Sean Edwards, Chairman, The International Trade and Forfaiting Association
Emmanuelle Ganne, Senior Analyst, WTO
John Taylor, Co-Founder, Centre for Applied Sustainable Transition Law
Erick Sirali, Director, Digital Trade, TradeMark Africa
Jane Smith, Managing Director, Jointine
Satvinder Singh, Deputy Secretary-General, ASEAN
Vashti Maharaj, Acting Head and Adviser, Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda
Boaz Lessem, Chief Legal Regulation and Partnerships Officer, WaveBL
Sunil Senapati, Chief Executive Officer, XDC Trade Network
Peter MacSwiney, Former Chairman, Joint Customs Consultative Committee
Justice Dr. Adam Mambi, Judge of the High Court of Tanzania
Lee Simpson, Partner, Borders & Trade, Deloitte
Shannon Manders, Editorial Director, Global Trade Review
Stephan Wolf, Chief Executive Officer, GLEIF
David Dixon, Made Smarter Project Lead, Teeside University
Kate Foster, Head of International Affairs, Federation of Small Businesses
Grant Hunter, Director for Standards, Innovation and Research, BIMCO
Jaya Vohra, Managing Director, Global Head of Trade & Working Capital Product & Client Management, Barclays
Miles Rothbury, Group Treasurer, Boohoo
Parvaiz Dalal, Managing Director, Global Head Payables Finance, Citi
Markus Wohlgeschaffen, Managing Director & Head of Markets and Sales, Traxpay
Clare Rowley, Head of Business Operations, GLEIF
Shobhit Singh, Head of Trade Finance, Concentrates, Trafigura
Martina Ferracane, Professor of International Trade, Teeside University
Susan Ashworth, Senior Trade Finance Specialist, Matalan
Mark Ling, Head of Trade & Working Capital, Santander UK
Yann Duval, Chief, Trade Facilitation Unit, Trade and Investment Division, UNESCAP
Geraldina Iraheta, Chief Commercial Officer, Digital Catapult
Nick Davies, Director, Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation
Chris Southworth, Secretary General, ICC United Kingdom
Hannah Nguyen, Director-Digital Ecosystems, ICC Digital Standards Initiative
Wayne Mills, Corporate Finance Advisor to Corporate Digitalisation Taskforce, ICC United Kingdom
Tim Nicolle, Founder & Chief Product Officer, Primatrade
Alejandro Pernías, CEO, edoxOnline
Ayesha Ali, Deputy Director, Digital Trade and Telecoms, Department for Business and Trade
Daan De Vlieger, Global Trade Advisory Partner, Deloitte
Michael Vrontamitis, Founding Partner, T3i Partner Network
2024 C4DTI Digital Trade Awards Winners
The ceremony took place on Thursday 18 April 2024, and showcased and celebrate global best practice in trade digitalisation.
The event supports the objectives of the C4DTI and takes place alongside the Digital Trade Conference to bring together industry and government practitioners and recognises excellence on both a corporate and individual level with regards to those involved in delivering a cheaper, faster and simpler trading system.
2024 Shortlist
Best Crossborder Trade Software System/ Technology Solutions Provider of the Year
- Mercore
- WINNER: PrimaTrade Systems Limited
- Surecomp
- TradeSun
- TradeWaltz Inc
- XDC Trade Network & Yodaplus Technologies
NEW Category: Best Customs Software System/Technology Solutions Provider of the Year
- WINNER: Azarc®
- Flytta
- iCustoms
- PMCG – Policy and Management Consulting Group
NEW Category: Best Agri Software System/Technologies Solutions Provider of the Year
- AgrigateOne
- WINNER: Contained.io
- Covantis
NEW Category: Best Digital Trade Documents Provider
- WINNER: edoxOnline
- Secro
- WaveBL
Best Use of Interoperable Digital Trade Technology in the Banking Sector
- Cleareye.ai
- WINNER: Lloyds Bank, Enigio, CargoX
- Traxpay GmbH and Arqit Ltd
- Traydstream
Best Advisor of the Year
- Mercore
Best Corporate Adopter
- Boohoo
- Matalan
- WINNER: Rio Tinto
Best Port or Logistics Systems Operator
- WINNER: iCustoms
- A.P. Møller-Maersk and IBM Consulting
Director’s Award for the Individual who has made the greatest contribution to the Digitalisation of International Trade
- Emmanuelle Ganne, Senior Analyst, World Trade Organization
- Greg Whitaker, CEO, AgrigateOne
- Lars Karlsson, Global Head of Trade and Customs Consulting, P. Møller-Maersk
- Dr Miriam Goldby, Professor of Shipping, Insurance and Commercial Law and Director of Research at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London
- WINNER: Sean Edwards, Chairman, The International Trade and Forfaiting Association
Trade Finance Digital Pioneer of the Year
- Haitham Elsaid, QNB Al Ahli (QNBAA)
- WINNER: Hussam Alkokhon, CQUR BANK
- Jon Boran, Lloyds Bank
- Rebecca Harding, Rebeccanomics
- Stephanie Betant, Sukrant Gupta and Saurabh Udernani, HSBC
Best Industry Champion
- WINNER: Business West
- Lloyds Bank
- Nate Vision
- Standard Chartered
- Sullivan & Worcester UK LLP
Congratulations to all our winners!